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One thing I have learned doing Emergent Ventures
4 hours ago
Things I read and found interesting
I read a lot of stuff and I used to forward what I found interesting/fun to friends. Rather than emailing, I am posting the links here. In this “No Original Content” blog there is nothing of my own (at least for the moment), just a bunch of links (mostly in English but I will also try to add Italian/Spanish/French links).
I don’t think that I will express any views here (remember: “No Original Content”), but in case I were to express a view, this should be interpreted as my own view and not that of any institution I am or I have been affiliated with.
About me: My name is Ugo Panizza, my website is here.
1 comment:
uguito i was checking this link and came up with this title for our joint paper:
Scial Mobility (cause you like these words a lot i noticed) and the Emerging (emerging cause i think you're an expert on that?) Financial Architecture! (architecture because i'm the expert there! hahahahaha..... so, what do you think?)
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