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Things I read and found interesting
Dastrup and Carson look at how the magnitudes of the price declines correlate with a number of other community characteristics such as overbuilding (as measured by growth in building permits relative to the local labor force), extent of subprime lending, owner-occupied units, and fundamentals such as median income. Dastrup and Carson find that all of these measures were statistically significantly related to the magnitude of the housing price decline. But by far the most important variable was the magnitude of the previous price run-up, which all by itself can account for more than half of the observed variance in the size of the price decline across different communities.
I read a lot of stuff and I used to forward what I found interesting/fun to friends. Rather than emailing, I am posting the links here. In this “No Original Content” blog there is nothing of my own (at least for the moment), just a bunch of links (mostly in English but I will also try to add Italian/Spanish/French links).
I don’t think that I will express any views here (remember: “No Original Content”), but in case I were to express a view, this should be interpreted as my own view and not that of any institution I am or I have been affiliated with.
About me: My name is Ugo Panizza, my website is here.